Article Index

Christian Articles in Global Evangelism Article Index

Christian Articles:

■ The Man Christ Jesus — Rich Kelsey

■ Who Is Jesus Christ? — Rich Kelsey

Matthew 28:19 — Rich Kelsey

■ Trinitarian Terms — Rich Kelsey

■ The Mortgage Of The Earth To Satan — Rich Kelsey

Through the Door of Christ — Rich Kelsey

■ The Heavenly Marriage Feast — Rich Kelsey

Near Death Experience — Rich Kelsey

■ Robert’s Experience with Demons

■ Born Again Experience of Rich Kelsey

Understanding Revelation — Rich Kelsey


■ Introduction to Understanding Revelation

■ Chapter 1 Seals of the Apocalypse

■ Chapter 2 The Trumpet Judgments

■ Chapter 3 Woe! Woe!

■ Chapter 4 The Final Woe

■ Chapter 5 Deception Is on The Horizon

■ Chapter 6 The Overcoming Church

■ Chapter 7 Choose Your Battles Carefully

■ Chapter 8 The Pre-wrath Rapture

■ Chapter 9 Woman of Revelation 12

Chapter 10 The 144,000 of Revelation

Moroni on the Seattle LDS Temple, picture taken by Rich Kelsey
Moroni / Seattle Temple, picture taken by Rich Kelsey

LDS (Mormon) Articles:

■ LDS Lesson 1 — Rich Kelsey

■ LDS Lesson 2 — Rich Kelsey

■ The Real Joseph Smith — Rich Kelsey

■ Ten LDS Plot holes — Rich Kelsey

■ Joseph Smith 1823 Bedroom Dream — Rich Kelsey

Book of Mormon Final Battles — Rich Kelsey

Book of Mormon Archeological Evidence? — Rich Kelsey

■ Joseph Smith Stone In Hat Routine — Rich Kelsey

■ Joseph Smith Treasure Seeking — Rich Kelsey

■ Joseph Smith on Trial — Rich Kelsey

■ Book of Mormon Changes — Rich Kelsey

Moroni as a Treasure Guardian — Rich Kelsey

■ Nephi, Moroni, or Someone Else? — Rich Kelsey

■ Cognitive Dissonance and the LDS Faith — Rich Kelsey

■ A Meeting With Two LDS Elders — Rich Kelsey

■ First Vision of Joseph Smith — Rich Kelsey

■ The Golden Plates of Joseph Smith — Rich Kelsey

■ Joseph Smith Lied — Rich Kelsey

■ Book of Mormon Press Conference — Rich Kelsey

■ Another Testament of Jesus Christ — Rich Kelsey

■ Book of Moses Changes — Rich Kelsey

■ Book of Moses Anachronisms — Rich Kelsey

LDS Priesthood — Rich Kelsey

■ Enchantment, Magic and Money Digging — Rich Kelsey

LDS Urim and Thummim — Rich Kelsey

■ LDS Faithful History — Rich Kelsey


○ Joseph Smith Money Digging Accounts

○ Ensign Magazine Seer Stone Quotes

○ 1826 Glass Looking Trial Testimonies

Lucy Mack Smith Account Golden Plates

○ LDS Links & Resources

JW 1914 Coverup
JW 1914 artwork revised by Rich Kelsey

Jehovah’s Witnesses:

■ What to say to Jehovah’s Witnesses — Rich Kelsey

1914 JW Doctrine — Rich Kelsey

1914 Doctrine Changes — Rich Kelsey

The Watch Tower Society — Rich Kelsey

Charles Russell / JW History — Rich Kelsey

○ 1874, Christ’s Invisible Presence

Seventh-day Adventist:

■ The Great Disappointment — Rich Kelsey

○ SDA 1844 Investigative Judgment Doctrine

Catholic Articles:

■ History of the Catholic Church — Rich Kelsey

■ And Then Along Comes Mary — Rich Kelsey